I'm a elite permanent brow artist and master educator for women who have a passion for beauty

hey, I'm amina

i had no idea at the time... 

I have to figure this out! Here I was with a new skill and had no idea how to get clients. So I started reading books about sales & marketing. I studied how to use Instagram and would even reach out to other artists for help (no help was given sadly).

My story really began the moment I decided I wasn't going to quit.

I continued to post every single day, even if it was just a motivational quote or reposting the same thing I posted the prior weeks before.

People started to see my work repeatedly because of my consistency. More viewers led to more interest which led to more bookings. I made all my investment back in one month - plus profit!

my business was about to take off!

The number one struggle I hear is not knowing how to get started and once you've started, what are you supposed to do next and how? My mission is to teach you everything I wish I knew that would have saved me a ton of time, a lot of money and unnecessary stress when I started my brow business.

And now i'm going to help you show up confidently

quitting was not an option. Sure, I failed a few times a long my journey but those failures were the best learning opportunities. You either win or you learn.

That was the exact moment it all changed for me. When I started showing up...


can't live without

true crime & documentaries

favorite TYPE OF showS


passionate about


a must

Favorite Quote

"The move that you're  afraid to make COULD BE the one that changes EVERYTHING."

— unknown


join the community

Brow Babes is a community dedicated to empowering both new & experienced artists to achieve success and make their mark in the brow industry.

Learn From Me

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For tutorials, tips and resources.

Check out my YouTube